At EBS, we believe that bioaugmentation cultures can be a viable tool in addressing wastewater upsets, but only when applied as part of a holistic approach and in accordance with good science. Without adequate dissolved oxygen and macronutrients the system will be limited regardless of whose bugs you feed or how many pounds you add. By evaluating your entire system and all of the critical inputs, we focus on solving the problem not selling you bugs. If you need to or want to add bugs for any reason, we will sell you a quality product at a very low price with no salesman's commission or big company overhead built in. If you need in-depth on-site service, we can bill you separately or upcharge it into the product price at a mutually agreed upon rate.
The graph above shows the results of laboratory respirometry testing under controlled conditions comparing EBS BioStar with the two products most commonly found in the pulp and paper industry. As the graph shows, there was no statistical difference among the three formulations. We do not claim that BioStar is a better formulation, just a better value.